Last update: 08-Sep-2003
08-Sep-2003 - This page won't be continued.
There is a lot to say about c-abacus (former scalc). This is a part-part-time hobbie. We are doing this just to don't let this thing die. But the services provided by are better to work than messing arround with pure HTML and stuff. The NEWS section, for example, will be continued here
19-Sep-2002 - The scalc is over.
But this ain't that bad. Althought the last version of scalc ever released is 0.7, the project continues under a different name. After talking with other MBN members and seeing other peoples project names, we came with c-abacus. It's a calculator, but the "calc" or "calculator" is pretty used. So we have chosen abacus. The c is because it's made in C. "c-abacus" was the best chance.
You can folow up the new project here.
08-Abr-2002 - I have good news and bad news. Let's start by alphabetic order...
The bad news is that I'm having problems implementing stacks. So that the prioriative operations are implemented, scalc must produce and evaluate postfix expressions. The bigger problem than that is that I'm not having much time to make the corrections. (The stacks are implemented but work with errors. SIGSEGV ...) The good news is that if you want to join the scalc team you just have to send me an e-mail and ask me to. Then I can send you the developing version (actualy version 0.7b) and you can help me implementing it.
I must say that, by making part of the scalc team, you join the mindbooster networks team. That should not be a problem and you should consider it a benefict.
24-Jan-2002 - At this time, I invited another element to the developing team. Things were discussed and the Simple Calculator project is part of the Mind Booster Networks. Be sure to go there and look around. Maybe you can find something you like.